
Don´t you dare! I love Jasper, he is just suffering from PTSD and feels safe in Mt Weather.. He is just not waking up yet and somebody else will needs to do it. Clarke is not getting to him..

I agree. I love this show, its awesome. But I actually hope the Octavia/Lincoln romance ends down the line. It´s just too forced. Feels like we the audience have to embrace it like the greatest love of all, but I am not buying it or feeling it.
I am missing the Jasper/Octavia connection though. Hope they reunite in the

Loving The 100! It really is a great show.. Hope more people watch it this season! So worth it!

I agree. I totally called it early on.
The Swon Bros and Danielle are the only ones who have major potential to become stars in the real world.
Plus they are both are super talented. The Swon Bros just have this  likeability factor that makes them stand out in the real world. Their harmonies are amazing. Country music