
I get that and am sympathetic to that because I am a man and society tells me the same thing, however, there are literally billions (on second thought at least hundreds of millions) of men who are doing just fine, including me, without having to sexually harass their coworkers

I know. It is not just lust but other emotions you have to put aside for later when you’re not working. I get so annoyed by my coworkers but I still have stuff to do so those feelings have to go off to the side until I'm done.

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

I’m feeling super hopeful. A very, very powerful man can be knocked down a peg for saying something awful that a little while ago would have passed unnoticed. Progress.

Offensive party themes: not just for frats anymore!




I can't think of a bigger tribute to communism than exorbitantly priced fashion that barely anyone could ever hope to afford, but god bless.

Nuh nuh nuh. You can’t put this on all of us. This is a rich kid thing.

Seriously, why wouldn’t you like me? I’m delightful in small doses.

I may not like you, but goddamn it, I respect you, Bears.

what the fk is she thinking!!! for those of us who were brought up in a commie country the pain from these visuals is real. this is like someone showing up dressed as Hitler at your jewish friends halloween party - like WTF!!!! srsly fashion peeps!!!????? disappointed, i expected better frm stella. thought she


I can see all of Miami burning Stella’s clothes and sandals.

I feel like there must be more to this story. Che, fine, I’ll take a hot revolutionary any day of the week. Regarding Fidel, does it matter if it’s a younger Fidel? You know, the one who overthrew an also bad government?

The fact that I just mumbled “nigga please” to that photo in front of my white step-child indicates that I concur. He is the WOOOORSSST.