
I’m quite confident that if this was the other way with the weighted grades improperly tallied for class rank you would complain that the rules were changed mid stream. If the school wants to use weighted grades for class rank they simply need to change the handbook.

Really sucks for these two students, especially how it was handled, but outside people that peak in high school, it really shouldn’t matter.

I support the weighting and the original decision. The valedictorian should be the one who has accomplished the most academically and the originally named student did that. Same for the salutorian.

So I am confused and maybe The Karen’s of the world can help straighten this out. The black children took harder courses, got better grades and yet the white people involved think they should be rewarded for taking courses that weren’t as hard? If this was not about race why did both families feel the need to

I was ready to think “well, maaaaybe it was a good-faith error because someone didn’t read the rules correctly.

It’s an important lesson for Ikeria Washington and Layla Temple, that no matter how hard you work, folks will always find a way to elevate white people.

Because if they retrieve the $200m, he doesn’t have to pay them a cent. They are essentially treasure hunting for their own payment. He didn’t agree to pay them anything. He agreed to let them keep a portion of what they found.

Yeah, this was the worst offense in my opinion... especially since the group had already identified him as a threat, and knew that him dying would be a categorically good thing for them.

But Tanaka CLEARLY knows about the Coyote. Stooge has a special deal with her to get a vial of Zombie blood. Coyote says that at the queen beheading scene.

ZombieTiger shows up!

All of your concerns will be addressed in the 18 hour SnyderZombieCut which one of the grips who worked for three days on set claims exists.

There were no robot zombies but the Alpha Zombie was smart enough to wear head gear to protect his head from bullets.

The helicopter could carry the money, but only a few other people before it exceeded its maximum lift weight. Apparently there plan was to load the sharpshooter up with tons of money and hope he doesn’t blow himself up.

Also, why would they nuke Vegas instead of just leveling it with MOABs?

Also, let’s talk Maria, because she deserves her own separate post. She’s a kickass, veteran zombie killer that’s the nominal second in command. She’s Brad Pitt to George Clooney. She’s the trusted confidante, the sister-in-arms that fought through hell to get out of Vegas with Scott. And she... gets killed like a

*Other WTF moments before I got bored*


If the person bringing them in is the owner of the safe why does he not give them the combination?

Yeah it is another movie where ZS makes the most bizarre decisions as a director/writer.

I hate Zach Snyder movies but I do enjoy his Dawn of the Dead, especially for having a good opening to the zombie apocalypse. Too bad he seems to have forgotten how to do that and instead filled it with his usual garbage.

You’re right. Danny Trejo is the natural choice for Reed Richards.