Make America 8-8 again
Make America 8-8 again
You spent 3 paragraphs explaining that NASCAR (like all motorsport) is a rich-man’s game. Still not really sure how this relates to politics? And if it does would you expect motor racing to be anything other than conservative?
This game answers the question “Can the best college team beat the worst NBA team?”
Or on the other hand, you can look at the 3 pointer as the equalizer. It really is no less exciting than a dunk. No less skillful either. How can that be presented as a fact by this hack writer?
Also a ball hit 450 feet (over the fence) is worth more than one hit 300 feet (not over the fence)... so the homerun is already screwing up his analogy.
Fuck. Just, fuck. God dammit. This guy captures brilliantly why Trump is the likely Republican nominee.