
Legolas. Every line of dialog he has is essentially repeating soemthing someone else just said, or stating the painfully obvious.

He seems to be setting up a very specific sort of theist. I don't think all theists would agree, for instance, that sacred texts would provide practical advice like how to stay healthy. I think there are theists who would disagree with many of those statements, in fact.

Jack Reacher meets Oblivion. Minus an audience.

You say "social withdrawal", I say "standard operating procedure for us introverts".

As someone who has a fair amount of large-scale social anxiety, this makes a lot of sense to me. I can cope in large crowds only so long (maybe an hour) before I start to experience a real chest-tightening anxiety and a sense that I'm in actual danger. I attend A-Kon in Dallas every year (large anime convention), and

Plenty of "indigenous" people have decimated other "indigenous" people. It's human nature.

Correction. Any indigenous people faced by an expansionist people with superior technology. The Chinese, the Mongols, the Aztecs, the Incans, even Africans enslaved their fellow pygmy tribes and I've even read that some black Africans treated others with darker skin as lesser people. There was nothing special about

The worst and most unnecessary sequel of all time.

Evan Almighty wasn't THAT bad. Not bad enough to keep something like Iron Eagle 3 & 4 off the list.

Not a fantasy but this was a crime of nick cage proportions.

The Dark is Rising. A brilliantly complex modern fantasy (without becoming a cliche urban fantasy) book (also the first "adult" book I read and the reason I love books) with ties to English and Arthurian folklore, Celtic mythology, and so much more, with a high fantasy magic system.

I have read that treatment and the idea of the Village People as the evil mirror version of KISS is so utterly brilliantly logical that it makes you weep at its genius.

Everybody involved in this project was on so, so much coke.

I don't think this was emphasized enough:


Now playing

Technic R2D2 is a ripoff. I bought it for my son back then and the damn thing looks cheap as Hell. Capsela back in the 80s was a much better building set.

from the days when you required a little imagination to see the intent in a model, instead of having some custom-purpose/fiercely-difficult-to-use-elsewhere pieces created to make the model...

WALL-E. I can't claim to have ever seen it on a first date, but it's a great date movie. Plus it's a great all-around movie.

It's not at all rare but Iron Pyrite (Fe S2, aka "Fool's Gold") just knocks me out. The molecules somehow "know" how to assemble themselves into nearly perfect cubes. For some reason this amazes me even more than quartz or other crystals, I guess because it looks so artificial but it's not. [Note that the pictured