
Yes, 27 people died in the resulting fires, but the car actually had about as many or less fatalities overall in comparison to other compact cars of the time:

These movies are ripe for some type of parody a la Airplane.

God I love all of these films, they’re so cheesy but holy crap do I love them...probably BECAUSE they’re so cheesy.

Now playing

I never laughed harder at a FF movie than during the scene where tow chargers drag a gigantic bank vault through the streets using it as an automotive wrecking ball.

Lesson learned. I quit replying when I caught on he is a big waste of time.

I was once on a flight and they were doing the preflight safety card thing, and I was the only one paying any attention. Yep, the whole routine—the exits, the floor lights, the mask, etc. Literally everybody else in the cabin was frantically pawing their phones before—oh horrors!—they had to shut them off.

Welcome to the typical StevenG exchange. And i don't mean that it's necessarily a bad thing - just that it isn't worth having if you're actually trying to accomplish something.

Again, asshat, THE GOVERNMENT MANDATES IT. If we don't "make" you watch, the airline (and potentially the underpaid FA) can be fined upwards of $25,000. Quit being so fucking obtuse.

"Do they know my job title and use it properly?"

No, but I'm not coming into your workplace and demanding your services. If it did, then you can bet that I would.

And of course, as such an experienced flyer, sir, you'd know that all of the things you're complaining about are legally mandated by the FAA and not actually

I hated doing the seat belt demo. It's not done because the airlines think it's super fun, but because the government makes them. So shut up about it to your FA/Steward(ess)/Air Waitress. It's fucking mandatory, and they hate it as much as you do.

66 gallons and only a 800 mile range? begs me to ask why he did not use a diesel??