Trash person says trash thing on the internet, claims it was a joke upon being called trash.
Trash person says trash thing on the internet, claims it was a joke upon being called trash.
This is a solid variation of the “PeOPlE sTilL pLAy THis GaME?”
Yeah, no. No it’s not. Not at all.
Obviously it doesn’t make much sense to talk about this as a precision weapon, but you seem to have a very flawed definition of a “megaton”
The draft should be reinstated as a preventative measure against foolish wars and adventures. If well off white people’s children were drafted the Iraq war either wouldn’t have occurred or we would of left a lot quicker. When it’s the poor kids it’s too easy to be disinterested.
“Representing values Americans fight for” has never been a prerequisite for the US to support fighters in other wars.
Last I checked, taxis are cars, and this is a car site. So, relevant.
Uh...alternative facts?