The drummer's? Me too.
The drummer's? Me too.
Ha ha, you're a dumb racist.
Oh sure, wasn't trying to describe China as magically free from patriarchy or anything, just not as especially terrible compared to all the other terrible countries.
China has the worlds largest urban population, most of it's highest tech manufacturing, and produces more engineers and scientists than any other country. It's hardly an "agrarian culture." Yeah, the whole world is recently urbanizing, but no one would describe American gender discrimination as being due to "female's…
Da fuq you going on about "Chinese rice fields" and "agrarian culture" for? Your racist stereotypes are decades out of date.
Dear god the trolls are out in force.
You're guess is as good as mine, some kinda mutt. The mom is (maybe?) an Aussie Shepard/St Bernard, the dad is a mystery!
Done. But you gotta wait four more weeks and then come pick him up.
Dip them in hummus! You can take my flaming hot cheetos dipped in hummus from my cold lifeless anally bleeding corpse, doctors.
It's cheap, runs retro games great, and has some really good options for local multiplayer. There are some really exciting indie games in the pipeline. You can also hack it into a netflix or media box pretty easily.
Oh man. I was starred on my very first post. Richard Lawson took a screenshot of one of my gawker comments so he could post it on his tumblr. I was once called "such a faggy ass chink nigger" on kinja, which I'm pretty sure is a slur made up just for me because I'm really actually pretty fucking special.
Those lyrics are terrible and he doesn't even rap on that song. If you're into introspective white boy rap at least listen to sage francis or sole or someone.
Yeah, I mean jazz-driven production has been around for forever, but that sax line on thrift shop is what, two notes away from being an exact reproduction? Guy plays pretty loose with the cultural appropriation to be making moves like that. Totally bit the cadence for the first line too.
I mean, whatever. If smoking crack was so bad, they'd make it illegal.
The most famous example would be "Wut" by queer black artist Le1f:
Oh my bad, I wasn't paying that much attention. That he originally went by Mocklimore is pretty well known tho.
Mocklimore. Macklemore is his friendly, less overtly rapper-mocking version of Mocklimore, his original name.