
His tumblr is still

Yeah, she was up there with him and he didn't let her say a single word. Pretty disgusting.

Yeah, but they didn't pretend to be allies while making millions on songs straight up stolen from black and gay artists, so I have less of a problem with them? I wouldn't mind him if he wasn't such a dick. When he won an award for "Same Love" he didn't let the gay woman who co-wrote and performed on the track say a

Right? Like winning an award for a song about gay marriage you co-wrote and performed with a gay woman, and then not letting her say a single word at the awards ceremony? Like stealing beats from Le1f, an actual gay rapper?

Dear Macklemore defenders:

Oh the pubes that you'll see! There is hair to be styled! Some as bare as baby, some trimmed, some left wild! With patterns and colors and skin tones and scars, these are the tiniest bushes of all!

Jesus. I was maybe in a couple towel-whipping fights but this was absolutely not my adolescent experience.

Yeah, definitely, read as "maniacal, on the verge of mental break down" in context.

btw, they still sell non-programmable thermostats at like lowes or whatever.

Yeah, Jez could have included a link to their site if they really wanted to be supportive.

Wait, so if we reverse the circuitry on that last one, we get a bra that acts as a feedback loop for enhancing bouncing?

I top out at $5. #shameface

Holy shit, the reflexes on the black car. He brakes so fast you can see the weight shift forward and then back on his SUV. Dude is fucking spiderman.

$20? You lucky bastard, jail in my town charges $55.

Oh for sure, there has been a definite progression towards power over dance. To me, that's cool, power moves just being so damn impressive and all, but others like the dance side better and that's totally legit.

Oh god, how did I not catch that? He is literally the best.

Well, this article definitely made me run out and smoke a cigarette.

I believe this sorta thing is what she's designing:

That popping sound was my brain being overwhelmed by jealously. I mean, uh, seven year old me. Adult me would never throw a tantrum because someone else got to go to the "secret tasting lab" and not my class and we never do anything cool and you probably have a turtle too and your teacher brings cupcakes you jerk.

Eh, they both seemed a little derivative of the 1972 classic Fundamental Forces.