
Racist self-contradictory muh-feels-are-reality article fit only to be ignored. You cant fix a problem you cant define and collectivizing millions of people linked only by a narrow range of skin tones and then ranting about broad cherry picked statistics is not a causal definition that can even be addressed much less

Lifehacker -- light on the life hacks, heavy on the left-wing propaganda.

Finally some actual life hacks instead of more SJW garbage. Thank you!

Genius! You found a way to make your SJW agenda into a “life hack” by making your computer police your wrongthink for you. It really is brilliant. The world will surely improve immediately. It gave me a bonus idea as well! I’ve set a macro to replace any instances of any of the gizmodo domain names with so I

Reduce day care drop off tears by planning life such that you can actually raise your own child like a responsible adult instead of checking them into a human coat rack to be stained and abused by random strangers and mixed up with all manner of other products of equally or more terrible parenting.

Andre — “mansplaining” isnt actually a thing — the goal is to remove you from the discussion. Just look at your replies. Just move on to “manignoring”. Your life will improve immediately. :D

Your website has been misnamed for some time. This has nothing to do with life hacking. You are political AF and not even good at it. Socialism got a bad name from the National Socialists — fk’ing NAZI’s. WTF are you doing posting this garbage?! We come here for life hacks! JFC.

To assume that this entire network of platforms is anything more than a mouthpiece for SJW talking points is a pretty normal thing for a person to do... Unfortunately, in this case, you’d be wrong. :/

Roles should be decided before someone is made pregnant. The rote 50/50 expectation is cause for most trouble. Divorce after children are created is abusive. Plan better. Be better.

Ooops... I think you meant to post this on that other Gizmodo site — Or is this evil week?

Where’s the app that explains why the F this matters?