
Twitch is a weird place that I enjoy more or less, and the company makes odd decisions all the time. The streamer in question though main income comes from onlyfans, so I don’t know how much of a loss this really is for her. She will continue to get press and continue to get money from the lonely.  So the system will

He was no Tony.   

It is amazing how far the show came from Season 1.  I don’t know of any show that recovered so well from such a bad start and was able to keep going for years.


I have broken countless controllers, mice, keyboards (twisted them in half, ripped them in half, bent them in half, also same with ipads). I’ve smashed monitors(usually punched them (LCD/LED) as well. I’ve almost tossed my tower down the stairs once. I rage non stop. It will kill me one day.

I do think offline mode is very important and should exsist, but I give zero cares about anyone playing a 15 minute year old game.

Woman should be able to wear what they want on twitch.  There is a lot of money at stake though, and while any female streamer can be great as can any man, some streamers (both male/female) do go for a sex appeal to help their numbers. So what?  Just lets not lie about it.

I still don’t really like synders cut, but it is better then Whedon. if whedon would have been involved in the full process, maybe it would have been better, but almost all the scenes and action flowed much better with Synders cut. It was unnecessary. , and It will either be loved or hated more then it deservers, but

It is still ok to hate a game that has a terrible ending. Just don’t make stupid threats about it. Just stop buying games form that company. It is fairly simple really.

I understand disliking something or getting impatient, but I’ll never understand the death threats that come with it.

I’ve gotten 300 hours of co-op in with my friends. We take turn jumping around each other bases and have a ton of fun.

Sure you can’t all build a base together, but if you can get past that, it is a lot of fun to play this game with friends. I also do hope State of Decay 3 improves co-op and other elements of the game.

This model is way worse then netflix. We have to put up with 23423 idiot youtube videos about 234 easter eggs per episode. You have to avoid all aspects of social media, websites every friggin week as everyone wants to spoil the show.

I’ll take binge watch every friggin time over week to week crap.    

The insult that is Mass Effect 3 made me lose joy in the previous games. I wish I could remove that memory of part 3 from my brain or get over it, but I don’t think I could ever play mass effect 1 or 2, both great games on their own because of how much disgust sits in my soul on #3)

I’ve been gaming since the 80's and never once heard of this sort of gamer problem with ice maps. Get off my lawn/ok boomer.

The game is fun, and when you get small lobbies with just your friends and 2 or 3 randos that are doing their own thing I really think it is amazing.

If they have the option to allow private game sessions online, I think I’d have 1,000+ hours in the game instead of around only 100.

Last of us 2 was the only disappointment game to me this year. If felt like it was written by 4th graders

This show has delivered an excellent second season. I could spend some time to find some nitpicks, but overall the sense of joy I felt watching it is what I will choose to remember.

So many industries have mandatory OT. you make a game dev work some OT, and people love their minds with the injustice of it all.

I do agree that there are extremes and some of these companies do mis manage poorly, but the extra level of whining that goes in for this specific industry is hilarous.

Also These game awards

I have HBO MAX on multiple platforms. it is not on Roku, but Roku is a shit company that some others avoid as well.

I find this an interesting debate overall, but the issue of HBO Max not being that available is false.

As I get older I get more and more immune to hype (Rare advantage of approaching Death)
This article does seem a bit pointless though. Many people are looking forward to it and frankly the company last game was really good, so a lot of hope this will be fun. This article is basically a bit lame and unnecessary.

This series is easily better then prequel and the final trilogy, which is honestly some of the hottest garbage ever made.