
A bad final season won’t ruin most shows to me, but shows like Lost that are built around the Mystery, it does hurt. I can still randomly watch early seasons and find enjoyment though, but my desire to rewatch older shows that end badly is much much less.

I rewatch certain shows every 1 to 2 years (Psych, Justified,

Such a high % of actors/producers/directors that are terrible people. It is hard to really try pick ones which did bad enough things to skip vs still watch if you want to go down that road

I agree. This show is doing its own thing at its own pace and its been great. I’m all in this weekly formula. I enjoy the overall story arc, but its not why I’m all in this show.

I started watching around season 4 and I have enjoyed this show a lot over the past 11 years. It be weird not having no episodes next year

Not every show need everything to be deeply connected from episode to episode. Not having greater ambitions isn’t a show problem. Your putting some sort of expectations on the show and that is not the shows fault.

as an Old person, I understand twitch and the idea why people like it almost 100%. I understand watching a stream. I understand Subbing to show support. I Understand gifting subs. I kind of understand the bits thing, but in no way do I understand the just giving them money.

Especially the top streamers. When I watch

so many industries have overtime and long hours. People seem so shocked when a video game designer has to put in long hours.  I’ll never understand it. it is not that uncommon, and it can suck, but the job is the job.   Accept it or more on.   If the industry really has an issue with it, the people could take action,

I really liked Jodie as the doctor. I liked each of the companions, but I wish the show had one less companion only as I feel the attention was split too much it hurt the show.  I also found the last doctor to be one of my favorite, so any doctor after that was going to suffer a bit.


It is interesting how wrong and incorrect your statement is.

Sometimes a post adds negative value. Your post is an example of negative value.

Of all the pros and cons of this game I have heard. This is a weird take away.   

That paid expansion (after a full year of fulfilling everything for Season 1) was amazing and got me and multiple friends back into the game for months.   If it was released during the first year I could see being annoyed, but it was not, and it added a TON to the game.

Spoiler - There is zero chance A.A. Dowd would enjoy the movie anyway.     


I get no sense of a accomplishment playing a game on a hard setting.  

I joined to watch Psych 2 (7 day free trial) and will cancel and come back someday when Psych 3 comes out.

just finished it for the first time myself (only heard some of the music) great show.

A bad video game compared to all other things going on in the world is hard to complain about to much, but if i could wipe this game from my brain I’d feel better. I’d take just a little brain damage to make me never think about it again.  Such a waste of time and an insultingly stupid bland basic story.

Gwent has the best artwork of any online CCG