
Money fell out of the sky from his daddy’s inheritance. Forbes once calculated that if Trump had invested his inheritance in index funds in the stock market in the ‘80s and sat on his hands he would be worth approximately $20 billion today in wealth.

Yeah. That’s called the financial markets recovering from the financial crisis. And Obama’s ability to tax high earners was obviously constrained by a Republican Congress. Idiot.

All these special little snowflakes “expressing their discomfort” with the brown men on an airplane should go find their safe space and cry it out. Morons.

“There will be years of recriminations in our future. Many Democrats will, as is their habit, conclude that the fault lies with the left wing of the party — that progressive party activists did not sufficiently support the candidate or that leftward attacks weakened Clinton. But that notion hides a simple fact: In an

Clearly you are just old and naive now and a racist fuck to boot.

Kiss goodbye to your (pick one or more) unemployment check, union job, retirement funds, freedom of travel, sex life. You’ve brought it on yourself.

I don’t throw in with a candidate that’s endorsed by the KKK. David Duke praising his victory along with countless other bigots should make you ill.

“I was also young and naive once.” is just doublespeak for i am an old hardened sellout. good for you!

Young and naive.

If people admit that they tacitly supported racism, sexism, xenophobia, religious bigotry, and utterly incomplete policy positions, then, yeah, those people took it seriously. KKK members saw at least a candidate willing to invoke white supremacy for gain, and they voted seriously. If you are not a racist, sexist,

Oh yes, voting for the narcissist, the racist, the bigot, the xenophobe, the multi-time unfaithful husband, the failed businessman (repeatedly), the sexual assaulter is taking the election seriously.

Since the commentariat has thoroughly handed you your ass, I don’t have much to say other than, yeah, why not check back with us in a year and see how much greater your life has actually gotten.

So what? you’re old and senile? Trump is a Buffoon. and he lies as he breaths out.

Let me know how it’s going when Trump revives the coal mining industry for the modern, information based, automated economy. I’ll be over here with my head spinning over how many jobs he created

And now you’re old and stupid and have forgotten what it takes to make actual change. It’s not this.

You went from being young and naive to old and stupid.


The decision to vote either Trump or Clinton is not a simple difference of opinion. The man is openly hostile towards women, immigrants, people of color, and, to a lesser extent, LGBT folks (although Pence more than makes up for it on that front). And this doesn’t even take into account how erratic and capricious he

They say wisdom comes with age, but I guess that’s just a myth.

Yet you voted Trump, probably still naive.

People that want to learn how things work.