The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.
The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd. less than a year, someone thinks this thing has INCREASED in value approximately 50%? That’s one hell of a return on an investment. The fact that it’s a diesel is cool. But it’s not “lets spend the value of a new truck on an imported late 80s SUV” cool. Maybe it’s just me...but if I were to go buy an old Isuzu…
Come on man, if you are agnostic you should get this... I can’t believe 8 other people agree with you.
Respect for Phil Robertson? Would it be respect for his bigoted ways? His cruel, monstrous twisting of Jesus’ words and actions? Maybe respect for the big scam where the Robertson clan pretended to be bearded hillbillies when actually they are clean shaven wealthy tennis playing country club 1%rs?
It was a piss-poor political speech from a redneck who makes duck calls, you sanctimonious redneck.
Dude went on the record saying blacks were better off before the abolition of slavery. I guess the left is pretty intolerant of your intolerance, Cletus.
Nothing says Jesus like getting a plug in for your brand, then having one of family members shit out the national anthem
Duck Dynasty and NASCAR all in one spot? Was anyone in the crowd not related to each other?
Doesn’t mean it’s not true.
And roughly 50% of the country still doesn’t believe it, so is it really not worth saying?
The plural of anecdotes—or rants—is not data.
Do any of the hosts actually have kids?
Dude, post one example of it working. One single one.
Come on, people. Haven’t we figured out by now that “public/private partnership” is a grift? The anti-government hysteria whipped up by businesses looking for taxpayer $$ has made people into easy targets. Infrastructure will never be, and should never be a profit driven enterprise. Pool our resources and get it done…
While not technically a V8, the W8 is my favorite 8 cylinder sound. To quote a friend “it sounds like a wookie orgasm”.
This guy pretty much sums up my mental picture of every "Facebook Freedom Fighter" I see in the comment section of any news story posted online.
Steps for those interested in buying this car:
If you think gun laws in Texas are strict, you’re smoking crack.
“Think of it this way, they’re not punishing people for driving a competition vehicle, they’re just rewarding those that buy the products they make.”