
But they don't know whose it was. You can't dust vomit for fingerprints.

Or the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.


Nine out of 10 chainsmokers prefer cigarettes to chains!

He took an arm…… and then came back for the rest.
Seriously, what's he been doing since his star turn on ER?

So we have Deadbeat Dad Eric Roberts telling Jackson about Catherine, "I was born into [the Avery hospital empire]. But she was born FOR it." Is Jackson, or are we, supposed to realize that April too was born for it? That she's a budding Catherine Avery? Sorry, I don't buy it. I've never liked the character of

The problem I had with this episode is, why was Jack having such a hard time finding a job? I was 19 in 1972, and the factories were booming. Boys from my high school were graduating one day and starting at Caterpillar or Westinghouse the next. If he didn't want to be a factory grind, I can understand that - but he's

"As soon as they SEEM dead, they are rushed within weeks to our Bun 'n' Run processing plants."

"I'm hoping next time she'll take Joannie to a bar for her birthday and then leave her to have sex with some random dude who reminds her of a sad time she once had."

I'm still trying to untangle Dolores' timeline. When Logan cut her open, and she ran away - we then shifted to the present time. She was wearing the cowgirl clothes, and ultimately came upon her own body, wearing the same cowgirl clothes, face down in the stream. So what happened in William's time? Did her pursuers

Or going all the way back to the movie "Nine To Five", for Lily Tomlin's great line:
"I've killed the boss! You think they won't fire me for that?!"


Santa's Little Helper was a greyhound. He'll be played by Adrien Brody in the movie.

The clean-suit drawings reminded me of the drawings produced - sometimes under hypnosis - by people who believe they have been abducted by aliens.

I got a kick out of this scene too. It reminded me of union-mandated division of labor: the lights guys only do the lights, the scenery guys only do the scenery, etc., and nobody ever does a job outside his own discipline (or inside any other).

I'm talking 'bout pound notes, loose change, bad checks, anything……

I got really good at using Windows Paint. Which I realized, after introduction to the marvels of Photoshop, was like being really good at using mud and a stick.

Stan Getz, anything he did on the Verve label…

I don't know C or C++, but I've programmed for years in COBOL, Assembler, Visual Basic, and ABAP. Back in the 80s when I was first writing COBOL, "structured logic" meant breaking down the program into modules called from the main process loop or from other modules. If you needed to use a block of code over and

Why do you want to know? Are you an anti-dentite?