
Jackie Kennedy used to switch back and forth between Newports and Salems when she was First Lady. (According to William Manchester's "Death of a President".)

Or the pizza place, either.

Something tells me he's into something good.

It's a glitch in the Matrix. Happens when they change something.

They're played by Tatiana Maslany.

If only his secret had been that Squiggy was behind the space blanket.

"M-m-m-max Headroom! Headroom!"
I loved that show.

Hey, I loved that movie! Of course, I was 17, so….. *shrugs*

Spend more time with his family. Or (as my employer always says about execs to whom they gave the boot) pursue other opportunities.

And presenting that birthday cake to John McCain.

When I saw the accordion I thought he'd go for that - but the bagpipes were even worse!

I agree about an all-white jury being bad - but (as I said at the time) a true jury of OJ's peers would consist of wealthy celebrities, of any color. There should've been the likes of Magic Johnson, Diana Ross, Cicely Tyson, James Earl Jones, etc. etc. Rich, famous people of color wouldn't have had any worries about

I have to ask - did you deliberately say the shark was humped, instead of jumped? If so, I bow to your greatness. If not, then what an inspired typo!

If that's movin' up, then I'm movin' out.

I suspected it from the first scene with the maid. I guess I've just watched too much "Dexter". The thing that grabbed me about Ernst was how much he looked like Brian Jones.

I was getting a definite Billy Joel vibe from the Bat Mitzvah guy. "They sit at the bar and put bread in my jar and say 'Man, what are you doin' here?'" Go for it, Zak!

Here's something that seems like a plot hole to me. The original investigation ended 10 years ago because Hank "confessed". What did he confess to - killing Adam? If so, he must have been asked what he did with the body. There couldn't have been a body "identified" as Adam's, or that would have been brought up

Was it "mulatto"? I thought he said "Milano", as in, some kind of inter-Italian stereotype or putdown.

Maybe change the choreography? So they wouldn't trod upon it?

When I was in high school, my best friend's cousin died in a one-car crash. His wife had just given birth that day, and the newspaper reports described the "It's A Boy" cigars on the ground around the wreck. He was my friend's favorite cousin, and I suppose that plus the pathos of the situation made it stick in my