
Team Coco 4 life!

"However, it does not take a "sick fucking person to want to play as that shitstain"

Um, so are babies. Their skull bones don't fuse for a good while after birth.

It bears repeating:

Even though I can't afford to travel to NYC to see this, this makes me absolutely giddy. "Hedwig..." is so important to me.

Whatever it takes to make those frothing Twilight fans' heads simultaneously explode.

If you have an asshole family member who is being mean to a server (or a customer service person) speak the fuck up and tell them that they have no right to speak to a person that way, if said person is being totally nice and helpful. You're just enabling that behavior and that's not okay. Excuses are bullshit; treat

In Hawaii, and amongst my Native and American Indian friends, we don't call it "Columbus Day," we call it Invasion Day.

to quote ani, she's got the kind of beauty that moves.

I live in Maryland and this makes me sad.

I hate the 'blame the victim' trope. Just because something tragic happens to someone doesn't absolve them of stupid actions they take that contribute to it.

THAT! That last bit is why I do not like most picky eaters. Ok, fine, you eat nothing but pizza, chicken fingers, and fries? Whatever, just don't expect me to cook for you. But to sit across from someone, as adults, and say, "That looks disgusting. That smells disgusting. Ew, what even is that? Oh my god, I want to

But the woman apparently made it everyone's business by telling everyone her husband eats like he's five.

Nope. Sorry. I could not get past someone eating only kid foods. Its one thing to not like something but to limit your options to places you would take your kid cousin would not fly with me. I think being an adult picky eater also shows an unwillingness to adapt to change and its a pretty clear indicator that you're

"The newspapers are gonna be tough on you and prison is very very hard on people who hurt kids. If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself." - Rust Cohle, True Detective.

Oh I so feel you. I did go to a bachelorette in Vegas with all "hot chicks" - who were all lovely, nice, non-judgemental people - but I felt very out of place amongst them. It's the location that did it. I can go to kink events with my friends and my body/looks are right at the peak of awesomeness, but the typical

People show their true faces to people who aren't allowed to retaliate? Basically, the only things worth knowing about a person are revealed by how they treat service people.

I live in Minneapolis and used to be a canvasser so I have some experience there. It's not a small town atmosphere. It's an exurb of Minneapolis and it also contains a big Indian casino. It's spread out all around a large lake. The high school probably has at least a thousand people. I doubt everyone knows where