Carmen Carmen Carmen

I don’t want to interpret that as a specific slam against Jennifer Lopez, who in fact is not a talented singer or actress but is an outrageously talented performer and someone who seems to work damn hard in life to forge a career for herself. Good for her.

Shut up Matt. I think the public perception of Ben is pretty accurate. He is an immature douche.

Matt Damon, stop talking. Just stop.

Would you get fired for demanding that a customer take a moment to use Google? Like “No sir, if you’re allergic to all nuts, you’re also allergic to the peanut butter pie. Please Google it. I’ll wait. Uh huh. Go ahead. What’s it say? Peanut butter is made from peanuts, huh? And even though the word ‘peanut’ has the

(Editor’s Note: You should hear what customers will do to the word “rotisserie.” I heard “rotissary,” “rosiary,” “rotisuwary,” and “rosary.” The last was doubly funny since I was working in a kosher deli)

I have a confession. I was once one of these customers.

I still expect to see my dumbass Caesar Salad story on here some day. I always loved Caesar Salad and ordered one at an upscale restaurant in Palo Alto. When it came, there were what I thought were to strips of soggy bacon on top. I thought to myself that that was interesting, but hey - Bacon! Threw the first piece

This is what’s happening here, except substitute ‘Bun’ for ‘Bald’

Look, guys, if you want long hair, all the power to you. But you have to remember to GODDAMN WASH IT AND COMB IT. FFS.

Bad news for . . . the people who love them

Somebody should have built an entire gym onto my apartment by now.

Man, I actually am fat and no one has ever gifted me with a treadmill. Where’s my treadmill?

Most of the actors I’ve met in person are smaller/slighter than they appear on-screen. Just my experience though.

If this is how a naturally thin woman is treated, imagine chubby or fat actresses. I don’t even want to know what they are told but I’m sure it ain’t pretty.

I bought this skirt. And? I paid full price. FML

Since this is apparently just an open thread this time:

I like what you did there.

Standing ovulations all around! GIT SOME!!