Carmen Carmen Carmen

Oh my God, go to the emergency room!

Someone once hit on my BFF by bragging that he was going to be performing at a show headlined by Cook. My BFF shot him an incredulous look and said, “Ew.” It was beautiful to watch, especially because he was completely baffled—it had apparently never occurred to him that there were people in the world who don’t find

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that this will surprise no one.

The sublime beauty of Rihanna’s perfectly understated shade, omg, I am dead

Right? I’m looking at this, thinking, “I don’t care about the picture, Lena, whatever, advertise Calvin Klein in your bathroom if you want to. But please, please, shut up while you’re at it.”

I was really warming to Miley a few months ago. It seemed that she had dropped all the Black signifiers, started moving in an interesting musical direction, was a great advocate for homeless youth, she was Queer positive and sex positive and just living her crazy life.

confused about lena’s post. was that an #ad? yeah, that was, huh?

Nothing gets between Lena and her Calvins

Another day, another reason for me to love Rihanna.

“When you agree to meet a strange man in a strange place for the purpose of having strange sex for money,” Mary Mitchell says, “you are putting yourself at risk for harm.”

Or as George Carlin once said,


I found the quotes about her initiating sex and THANKING him for it to be crushing. I am not sure my ego would be able to take that

Oh you can def be sexy without being considered conventionally attractive. Sexiness is different from looks. But I get what you mean. I'd worry about my partner looking elsewhere too. Physical attraction is definitely important. I've found that I grow more physically attracted to women I love. That might just be me

I guess I’d make a distinction between a partner finding me attractive, and a partner being attracted to me. Like, I’d be fine having a partner who didn’t think I was particularly objectively good-looking. But I don’t think I could be with someone who didn’t desire me — who didn’t find themselves compelled and aroused

Writers: People who just do not know when to leave things the fuck alone.

I DIED when she talked in a French accent during her Celine impersonation. I hope she hosts SNL soon because this gift needs to be shared with the world more often.

Girl needs glasses. That level of squinting was outrageous. But the singing was magnificent.

I thought I had prepared myself. I had not.