Carly Sagan

That’s awesome! Do they ever invite you to come? It’s not often that I have an opportunity to say Hell No to my neighbors but an invitation to a tea party fundraiser would be one.

And those threats by the attorney against the reporter, holy shit. His comments really crossed a line and I hope the NY state bar takes some sort of action against him.

You were so right. When people start comparing the “witch hunt” against Donald Trump to that of the Duggars then you know you’ve entered an alternative universe.

If some donor wants to hire her idiot kids and spare the taxpayers the expense of supporting these freeloaders then I have no problem with that. At the end of the day it’s no different than them putting that money into her superpac. She’s just as beholden to them.

Further to your point, there’s not a governor in the country right now that couldn’t pick up the phone and get their kids a job with one of their larger political donors who put them in office. If the grown kids aren’t working it’s because they just don’t want to and would rather live for free off OK taxpayers. So,

Besides the one she had as a model?

I wouldn’t say I was a huge fan but she always seemed like a cool chick until I saw her on the episode of Bear Grylls and then she just looked really high maintenance. I would love to see the footage that didn’t make it to air where the PAs are trying to make her soy latte on the side of a mountain.

Well now I’m completely intrigued. Did anything come of this encounter? That is if you don’t mind my asking. The thought of meeting up with someone you’ve only met through the internet is such a fascinating concept for some reason.

I wish more people would remember this.

Am I the only one who can’t star comments today? I feel like there are a lot of posters on here that are missing out on the validation I provide when I hit that star button.

I was thinking the same thing. And if I had to guess I would bet these same parents who think it’s OK for their kids to act that way in public are the same ones who think it’s a good idea to not get them vaccinated either.

But you’re not just voting for the lesser of two evil candidates. You are also voting for which party gets to set the agenda for the things that ultimately get voted on. I can’t stand my congressman but if my party controls the house or senate at least I can be assured that others have a shot of getting things done

That was me with Elizabeth Warren. I don’t even live in Massachusetts and I contributed to her campaign. Why isn’t she running?????

This is a great post. We need more of these!

And it smells so bad! Who are these people buying that moisurizer that want their face to smell like that?

If someone is a Harvard educated lawyer arrested for a home invasion burglary doesn’t it seem kind of obvious that there’s likely some sort of drug problem involved here?

Wait, what? There are 5 positions?

Based on the twitter handle I’m going to guess that one of them is joe jonas but I don’t know which or who that is.

Based on the twitter handle I’m going to assume one is joe jonas but I don’t know which one.

This needs a lot more stars.