
Criminality that is a direct result of the horrendous effects of colonialism, residential schools and the subsequent loss of identity and culture. Having worked with FN populations across the country this is incredibly offensive. Especially in light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's work and the countless

kill yourself.

You must live a lucky enough life to not notice it.

Would you say that about any other job? A job is a job is a job. It doesn't give you the right to violate the law - subjecting employees to working for less than minimum wage and sexual harassment.

Yes, but their wealth has no "self-support" involved. They don't pay for their health insurance (a huge boon with a family that size, literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and a benefit of his single term as an Arkansas state legislator that he makes no attempt to hide is the only reason he ran for

and that they hated each other

No one has mentioned the vital role Hooters plays as "That place guys in male-dominated fields can insist on going to for lunch to make clear to their one female co-worker she isn't welcome without going to an actual strip club they can't put on their expense account".

It's definitely the pretend to like you thing. Hooters realized they could take The Girlfriend Experience and turn it from sex into bad beer, bad wings, and a few hours of pretending you aren't so lonely, so lonely oh GOD O GOD SO DESPERATELY LONELY.

"Cool down, and realize that now, people realize this is no longer socially acceptable. 20 years ago? Maybe not so much."

Just FYI, "it must be good, it's at Wal-Mart" isn't a great argument.

I always love it when people say, "Cool down" whenever someone is passionate about something in a way that s|he is not.

Is the owl female? If yes, there are females on the packaging. Of course, if you meant human females, there is a word for that. Women. We're called women.

I dunno. I think the Playboy readers at least have a more plausible case. Playboy's run some brilliant short fiction in amongst the pornographic wrapping paper, whereas Hooters just has awful, awful wings and a really depressing, misogynist atmosphere.

Well, I was never going to go there before, and now I definitely still won't.

Not everyone needs bras all the time. Bras are for support, they're not a statement on morality. We should have moved on past this, but apparently not.

Rihanna is basically the honey badger of the celeb world.

If my boobs could magically hover off my chest like that, I'd never wear a bra.

Speaking of things that remain unfulfilled.

I'm so glad it wasn't a pit. I would have to spend the rest of the day/week explaining the innocence of my own dog. Again.