
No more three inch gap between the waistband and my person when I sit down!

I feel like the Olympic Village would have gotten way less shade thrown at it if they had a puppy cafe. "Sure the water is toxic and the doors don't work, but there's a cafe where you can eat scones and cuddle a puppy...Thanks Putin!"

Well great, now the rapists will know what victims are being trained to do to avoid them and come up with new strategies.

I would say try to do both at the same time, just to go that extra mile.

There's 'I'm brainwashed' and then there's 'I'm profiting off of the brainwashing of others.' Big difference there.

Injecting himself with morphine to deal with the pain of his dislocated hip.

Yessss!!! I love her! This is so exciting.

I understand this woman will share her $8 billion inheritance with you if you will wire her the $10,000 she needs to file the necessary legal papers to finalize her parents' will.

Did you see the Steve Irwin tatoo on that one stingray?

Actually, I'm okay with these people not apologizing. The more they're allowed to hang their own nooses, the better. Fake apologies just prolong the hanging.

This kinda reminds me of the 'visa sleeve' trend of dudebros buying all their tattoos at once (that they really couldn't even afford to begin with) to try to have what guys traditionally took up to 20 years to accomplish.

I, for one, endorse this trend. It can't be long before grey (formerly white) bras, period-stained underwear and holey socks become the first choice for rich people too.
I will be sitting on a gold mine.