Oh oh. . .”entitlement” is a code word of the right wing, as in we’re truly the responsible people in this country.
Oh oh. . .”entitlement” is a code word of the right wing, as in we’re truly the responsible people in this country.
I’ll miss “The best hour of the week” segment with Cris Carter on Mike & Mike. Life just ain’t fair!
Another sad fact of GWB and his administration was suddenly anyone who disagreed with any policy became a “hater.”
“Yes, we’re interested in all the superstars,” Horowitz told Sporting News last month. “Of course, I’m interested in Skip.”
That’s a billion hoops the taxpayers would shell out for a facility used 10 times a year tops. I love sports but hate what leagues and owners have become; shame on everybody for allowing it to happen. Here’s hoping the city of San Diego tells the NFL and the Spanos’ to go suck a big giant dick.
LaRoche supposedly is pals with the Duck Dynasty dudes. He’ll probably get a gig on Fox News.
Wow. Browsing through the comments is depressing, almost as bad as a Yahoo article. Not saying you guys are wrong, but isn’t anyone going to defend the Beats?
I don’t understand this whole need to be in bed by 10 o’clock crap. Bunch of pussies, if you ask me. Growing up in Seattle, Sonics and Totems (old Western Hockey League) games started at 8:15 p.m. and it was perfect.
And both are very full of themselves.
I’ll never forget a picture of Rick Reilly in the press tent at the Ryder Cup, sound asleep at his cubicle. I wondered what the higher-ups at ESPN must have thought of their $3,000,000 man.
Or watch the G.O.P. completely lose their shit and say “Oh my God, what has our party become.”
Agree. Hate when national baseball guys like Olney and Rosenthal use the term “bargain” when describing some guy signing a new 3-year/$45-million deal. As for Desmond, I get what the author of this piece is saying, but sucking it up and making $8 million for a year’s worth of baseball is no “cautionary tale.” Lindsay…
Cronyism at its finest. I’m surprised Bills fans seem OK with this because it won’t end well.
Exhibition, they’re exhibition games. Matter of semantics, but it’s a pet peeve. Pete Rozelle came up with preseason because he thought the word exhibition made the games sound meaningless, and that isn’t good since teams charge full price and make the games mandatory in season-ticket packages.
The ludicrous “Who would you rather have a beer with” argument rolled out by Karl Rove, that weak-kneed columnists like David Broder bought hook, line and sinker. Still get mad thinking about that one.
Is it possible O.J. has CTE? I mean, nobody talked about that shit back in ’94, but it might explain his radical personality change into a murderer/douchebag.
In life, if you’re nice 90 percent of the time and a dick 10 percent of the time, that makes you a dick. It doesn’t change my life one bit if Cam Newton acts good or bad, but the man’s a giant dick.