So you need more evidence than the above photo plus your own firsthand experience to be certain that shredding paper towels is, in fact, “a thing Yorkies do”?
So you need more evidence than the above photo plus your own firsthand experience to be certain that shredding paper towels is, in fact, “a thing Yorkies do”?
Why you believe anyone gives a fuck what you think about: (a) the victim; (b) her father; (c) the perpetrators; (d) the guy who wouldn’t let her father use the phone; (e) that lump of dogshit in the middle of your head that you mistakenly believe is a human brain; (f) why Blair Walsh missed a 27-yard chip shot field…
“I thought him being a dick to Taylor Swift was cool.”
I lived in Vietnam for four years, speak, read, and write Vietnamese, and am married to a Vietnamese woman, so here you go: It’s actually pronounced more like “fuh” - with a rising tone from a mid-level tone at the beginning of the word to a high-level tone at the end: