:( I'm sorry — that wasn't supposed to happen!
me RN:
:( I'm sorry — that wasn't supposed to happen!
me RN:
Ah, the cozy confines of Green Street.
Not for nothing, but the book is entirely about deconstructing the manic pixie dream girl trope, and the main character basically learns that projecting his Heroic Male Needs onto an actual human woman with intellectual dimension is pretty dumb. Someone complained to John Green on Tumblr that the trailer seems to have…
It's been a year and a half since I was a #teen, and I already don't even know what the #teens are even doing anymore.
Let's maybe not do this anymore
This is the same group(s) of people that screamed bloody murder about women playing ghostbusters... so... ya know.
How on earth could one be angry about an inspiring young woman getting a story that will inspire other young girls to break down sports barriers?!? That is some sexist, racist, bullshit.
November. She'll be engaged by November.
It's like when people were mad Rue was black in the first Hunger Games movie...despite the fact that she is described in the book as coming from a farm district that's predominantly black.
RIHANNA >>>>>> Gyllenhaal>>>The Gos>>>>> Madonna >>>> Chris Brown.
"Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist and I am a huge fan of Mo'ne. She was quite an inspiration."
Ariana Grande, you're a baby so its slightly more forgivable for you to make mistakes. That said, do not give puppies away at concerts. NO. You're being a BAD GIRL. If a fan wants a puppy they can go to the shelter with their family and be vetted by the shelter to see if they make a suitable home. Those puppies you so…
You're not alone - one of my posts is showing up on my page, but not here where I actually posted it. KINJAAAAAAAAA
I think she just saw Extract for the first time.
I think they should fix the renderings to show the exteriors with desiccated grass and empty fountains to accurately predict the environmental future of the SoCal sites.
You mentioned Ms. Pare's son but not the baby's....interesting name, Blues Anthony. Another entry for the annals of weird celeb kid names.
Yep, no problem.
My husband can divorce me, but my sweatpants cannot. #sweatpantsareforever