
You obviously could care less since you wrote this entire rant.

Wow, even by Kinja standards, you have to be the least fun person to have at any social gathering. So, well done.

Cool story. let me just tell you i dont care about your comment or anything. 

Businesses buy assets that make them money all the time. A fundamental aspect of accounting is that the asset still depreciates in value over time, not to mention the including of incremental costs of maintenance, unplanned repairs, etc.

End of Storey.


Not the first time a company has had a rouge employee tweet something stupid.

“It’s so new they ain’t got a name for it yet,” [Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey] told the Huntsville-Madison County Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon appearance.

gated manuals and NA V8s in everything, because that’s what The People want, per my understanding from these comment sections.


Having spent the weekend on a boat with nothing but country playing and hearing the phrase “drinking beers and shooting queers” more than once, I’m going to go with not very well. 

This is getting better and better.
The kid that destroyed country music in 2019 is not only black, but gay ? I love this so much. 

If they are the type do carve canyons at 125 mph, watching a video of someone crashing is extremely unlikely to stop them.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Bone hugs in harmony.

ecstatic release at a Bone party, huh

The NFL has absolutely no incentive to do that. Owners get mad already when people clown on their draft picks, they’re not going to throw them out there with minimal preparation so that we all know for certain Chad Bumfuck from Boise State sucks ass.

Is Jalopnik’s obsession with Rich Energy unhealthy? Yes.

Perhaps the better question: is there anyone less qualified? 

People who think like this are the worst. Except for the people who think like this and then write in to some forum to see if there’s “anything they can do”.