Carl Parrish

Well we know her family is into "import / export". The implication seemed to be that the were mobbed up. I'm really think there is a lot more to that story.

They all took their first breath at the same time so we know every member of the cluster is the same age. I've never heard their age mentioned on the show but all the reviews about them say they are twenty something. Never got an age on Amanita either but I assumed she was older than Nomi (or at least seemed more

While I love each action scene with Sun I hope at some point they use her finance skills otherwise she runs the risk of seeming too one dimensional

In terms of timing I kept waiting for someone to mention when the headaches stopped and no one did. Either everything happened in the 7 day period before they stopped. Or no one thought the ending was significant enough to remark on. (which would be odd because Jonas said he cried when they stopped).

**Spoiler Alert**
It's not just the skills but how they use them. Wolfgang can kill in places Will can't and Will can see justice in places Wolfgang can't. If Will and Wolfgang were switched in the last episode the cluster would be down 2 members right now.

****Spoiler Alert*****
….uh does Amanita appear 8 years younger than Nomi to you? I'd have to go back to be sure but I'm pretty sure Cepheus said he was 8 when his sister was born and the cluster are all the same age so…. Would be an interesting twist though. I'm sure that all the people in their lives are just as

When I first moved to SF to found a startup I would introduce my business partner as "My Partner". It didn't take me long to realize that that was taken differently than I intended and to adjust. But I find when I stress *business* partner in other parts of the country people look at me like I'm crazy.

up voted not because of the cheesy comment (I *loved* that scene). But because it's the only discussion I've seen so far (outside of my own) about the apparent drug connection. Only I don't think it's Jaoquin so much as Dani that makes the Lito connection.

That sir is the best comment I've read all day!