
Your point is valid. But I already had tickets for the Nats game (which was originally scheduled for 1:30 and thus no conflict), and it was a bobblehead game, so I chose not to miss it.

What time zone are you in?

Yesterday’s Giants-Nats game was at 8 PM—THANKS A LOT, ESPN—which made watching the WWC difficult at best if you were at the ballpark. People were watching in the Red Loft, though, and a guy two rows in front of me actually had a little TV and kept us updated.

I did it at the Flamingo in Las Vegas some years ago. Handed the desk clerk my ID, credit card, and a $20 bill, and said “If you’ve got a nicer room available, I’d sure appreciate it.”

“Also, coordinate with your colleagues so that everyone has clear expectations on what you will and won’t be doing while you’re out of the office.”

Yeah, that’s best for everyone. Heck, if he turns it around as late as September, he’ll get somewhere between “lots of money” and “tons of money.”

“guy loses out on lots of money and tons of money”

Muppet who needs more exposure: Behemoth, aka Gene.

I saw the Fish play in DC a couple weeks ago, and I thought something I’ve thought only maybe once or twice before: “Obviously I want the Nats to win, but it would be pretty cool if this visiting player hit a mammoth home run tonight.”

Here’s the thing with the ball-doctoring: it is apparently harder to force a fumble when the ball carrier is using a deflated ball. Following the Brady/Manning “provide your own balls” rule, the Pats started fumbling a lot a lot a lot less than everyone else.

A few years back there was a guy who complained, in every forum possible, about the fact that the Nationals’ mascot Screech did not take his hat off for the anthem. Said hat was sewn onto his head. The mascot has since been modified so his hat can be removed.

"it's my bachelor party, and I should be able to do what I want, right?"

Trust me, the crowd at a Nats game, even a sold-out one, is much more manageable than the crowd on the Mall for fireworks.

The 11:05 July 4 start allows you to go to the game, then GTFO of the District before the teeming masses descend for fireworks on the National Mall. It also provides a valuable opportunity to drink before noon (well, I guess every day is an opportunity to drink before noon, but at least for this you have a reason).

Nats-Cardinals, 2012 NLDS Game 5. Top of the 9th. Elevate one of those 2-strike pitches to Yadier Molina just enough so the umpire calls it strike three.

"It's a philosophy that's basically NBA dogma for anyone not named Byron Scott"

Same principle as getting pocket aces in NLHE poker. If you can raise precisely so you get one caller, your chances are very very good. If you let three or more play, though, some donkey will flop two pair or better and you'll moan about your bad beat.

This is one of the many want-it-both-ways conflicts in our society. Post a video of a kid acting up in public on Facebook, and the comments will all be, "Those parents ought to do something! In my day I'd have gotten a whoopin'!"

He posted a couple more terrible tweets at the end of his blog post, and those tweeters have similarly shut down their accounts after being given a raft of crap.

If you need more to hate on, how about the $150K gift bags the nominees get.