
I had a FB friend who came down with a weird infection in her leg. I felt bad for her and all, but I would prefer an open-casket photo to the pictures of her nasty-ass swollen purple foot she kept posting.

I am with you on Amelia Bedelia. I would often say "she" rather than repeating her name because it's a mouthful. Also, I usually ended an Amelia Bedelia book by asking my kid "How do you suppose she's survived in the world for this long?"

I'm amazed no New Mexicans haven't complained about this yet. New Mexican food <> Mexican food.

Several people are completely missing my point (or perhaps making it for me). Do you want me to post another dozen stories about police shooting or otherwise abusing unarmed black men so you can tell me why all of those cases were the victims' fault, too?

'"Actually," Scarborough wrote in his Politico column, "it is offensive because the gesture suggests that a police officer pointed a gun and shot a black man whose arms were in the air while he said 'hands up, don't shoot.'"'

This is why I think the Wonder Twins "transform into any animal" power is vastly underrated in the "what superpower would you pick?" game. It's incredibly versatile. There are many, many ways to destroy your enemies, not to mention escape from them, spy on them, survive conditions you otherwise couldn't, etc.

"Somehow someone made it into me not believing in the Theory of Evolution?"

I was there as well and actually stayed until the end, despite very low expectations. How they managed to make three 3-pointers in crunch time after not making a single one all game is beyond me.

You don't think the Raiders will pull out that Buffalo game on some egregious late-game turnover? That would be a very Buffalo thing to do.

I am not fond of the "last man & woman on earth" scenario, because if you are truly going to repopulate the planet, you are expecting your future children to breed, with each other. Ew.

"You know, pie isn't really that good."

On a recent Nerdist podcast with The Birthday Boys, they discussed Kevin McAllister turning into the Jigsaw killer. Worth a listen.

Watch the Good Eats episode where Alton Brown goes to town on a watermelon with an electric knife. I'm sure he knows the best way to deal with a mango, too.

I assumed the half-marathon poop story would end with "As soon as I got back on the course, there was another port-a-john."

Goofy idea I came up with the other day: in a sac bunt situation (e.g. runner on 1st, less than 2 outs; this would need to be fully defined), if the batter shows bunt when the pitcher comes set, before he delivers the defensive team has the option of saying "sacrifice accepted." The batter is out and the runners

"even though Brasília 's home to 2.5 million people, they don't have a top flight club team."

You do NOT wash your flag shorts until the US wins it all or is knocked out.


Related: I hate it when people write "Waa-laa!" or something similar when they mean "voilà." I can never tell if they really don't know how to spell it, or if they're trying to be funny.

Jayson Werth