These people wanted free shit and the protests gave them the perfect opportunity. Fuck off with your rationalizations.
Black people destroy their own communities far more than police could ever dream of doing.
Good luck with your race war. Funny though in the quote above, I highly doubt he’s talking about stealing toasters.
“watch their community be horribly brutalized and straight up murdered”
A parent would have to be an absolute lunatic to allow their children anywhere near your house or supervision. If your kid went to my kids daycare center, I would immediately withdraw my child.
How am I supposed to drink bleach when I can’t read the label? Joke’s on you.
So none of you shitlibs cared when every single Chicagoan lined up asscheek to elbow for blocks around the Loop just to cut a single strand of Lori Lightfoot’s hair, but Mike Pence visits one measly clinic and you freak out like someone just tried to feed you foie gras.
My nephew (a TB crunchy taco stalwart and a hot Doritos fan) agrees with this assessment, asserting this...thing...sullies the good names and reputations of TB and Doritos, respectively.
PSA: please don’t use your miles for magazine subscriptions. It’s an option but a) it’s an almost 100% waste of your miles’ worth, and b) who really even reads magazines anymore.
We get it - you sucked at sports in school and now you mad, bro.
My main problem is that I’m not leaving the compound!
The WHO really shot themselves by the mishandling of this, because so many people don’t believe them now. And before people start saying “good, those people that don’t believe them can get COVID”, keep in mind that this just makes it worse for everyone.
Cry about me some more, bitch.
Incredibly Fun, Actually.
We both know comparing this to Black Lives Matter is misleading. Missing are the looting, violence, vandalism, and murder. So take it, turn it sideways, and stick it up your ass.