oh god, this anime made me cry, I cant wait for the movie to be released the manga that was just revealed was really good. probably one of the best anime I've ever seen and the music in this anime was really good as well.. I just loved everything about this anime and the studio that worked on this.
I'm surprised that it wasn't mentioned in the article that the creator of silver spoon Hiromu Arakawa is the same person that created the popular series Full Metal Alchemist, which was a really good manga and Anime (Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood).
Here is a tip: Buy a well fitting two button suit (well fitting means that the shoulders of the jacket fall on your shoulders, and that the length of the coat reaches no farther than you pants pocket) three button suits, not to sound like a snob, have gone ( or should go) the way of the dodo. Please invest in the…