“And if I resign, it will take no more than 15 seconds!”
I’m surprised he can say anything with that golf ball in his throat.
Yea. Exactly.
But I literally would sleep with a girl and then cry about it afterward. I’m like, ‘What am I doing? I don’t know what I’m doing.’”
There it is.
He was going to come out on Grantland, but he actually wanted the world to know.
While fun is fun, some people also enjoy money.
On the other hand, the MBAs who run AB InBev realize that people aren’t drinking Bud because they love the taste. They’re drinking it because it’s available, cheap, and basically alright tasting.
Jared Woodfill, a spokesman for the PAC, told the paper that the donation “was very exciting for us.”
Moncler Maya?
I don’t see the big deal. Most guys who get close enough to read those messages won’t remember them anyway.
What if he just tattoos it on his face? What then Goodell?!
That wasn’t a fight. One fan was kind of talking trash, turned around because he thought it’d be some jawing, and that guy just came in and sucker punched him. That’s assault. Not funny, and the reason I don’t go to fucking NFL games with 70K Tommy Toughnuts walking around.
If there’s anyone out there that actually thinks being poor is simple, then they deserve a right punch in the face.
Just like it says in the Ten Commandments, “Honor thy father and mother(fucking Roger Goodell will fine you).”
There’s still no word on what kind of lasting effects Odom may or may not have to deal with
The Mets are too cheap to even give him a 6 year/$66 million contract.
Greatest athlete commercial ever.....