
Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.

As a father of a seven month old, my PS4 has rapidly transformed into a $400 paperweight capable of playing Curious George episodes whenever whoever’s in charge of the baby needs to take a shit. Turns on like a breeze though

Well... no. If Andorra goes out and loses to Italy 3-2 in extra time, Andorra doesn’t fire their coach for not getting results. They probably extend him, or more likely, lose him to a slightly better team like Denmark or Sweden.

Leo is clearly also better at making you think he’s not arrogant and plastic, besting CR7 once again!

You sound like a soap opera. I could care less about a player’s arrogance, let alone a player I don’t know personally. To call Ronaldo “plastic” is just ignorance of the player he really is. If anything, that is because Messi is “better” at showing emotion than Ronaldo. But believe me, watching Ronaldo respect Old

Ronaldo and Messi are two very different soccer players

I can’t really blame him, as I also got tired of coming in Stockings after my teenage years.

He didn’t lose them, his dog ate them.

Imagine if this happened at Foxboro. What shitstorm would we be waking up to this AM?

This is nothing. Michael Vick lost 23 months of his life!

I thought he meant that it was time to put Ben in ...

Chase Utley is also turning baseball into football.

Grier: “These B12 shots really work, can’t believe they’re legal!”

Technically the whole program is guilty of performance enhancing. Muschamp is coaching at Auburn now.

I feel the same way about the “Big Bang Theory” ads running every commercial break.

That one white guy had no idea who he was. Fucking A-Aron

Better than the Odor that tortures the A’s clubhouse.

Can we build a wall around the marketing guy who thought that shit was funny?

If you drew a venn diagram of Americans who support Trump and Americans who like soccer, it’d pretty much be two separate circles.

It’s the equivalent of: “Oh yeah??? I bet you can’t AFFORD Zubaz pants and Limp Bizkit albums! AW SNAP.”