
I need oven mitts to handle this take

On one hand I get what you are saying, but on the other hand, if it was that easy to do what he does, there would be other artists who achieve the success that he has by copying what he does. None really have though.

"Recoiling at Pitbull is equivalent to recoiling at large swathes of Latino culture."

"Recoiling at Pitbull is equivalent to recoiling at large swathes of Latino culture."

If you train him properly there is nothing to worry about.

I like how he implies that soccer is too long while praising football, which has games that are objectively, unquestionably longer than soccer.

Evan Mathis' real bar tab:

a team that would be literally 4/5 multiple-time All-Star Starters in the primes of their career absolutely undermines that.

You're not asking for competitive balance. If that were the case, you'd be calling for a revamp of the draft lottery, non-guaranteed contracts and a relegation system to punish franchises that operate with unsound principles year in year out.

But the "professional" one was ugly as fuck...

I really wanted that to end with a pool dunk.

Lost in the greatness of this play was well-executed umpiring. 3rd base ump had to run down the line in case the hit dropped foul. Home plate ump went to cover 3rd, as the play likely would have been there without the Cespedes bobble. But when the throw came home the 1st base ump had come down to cover and make the

almost engaged and then i saw this previous comment from you: Its hilarious when you know that half the tribes would have never done anything close to as helpful for their enemies as to what the United States has done for Natives Americans.

This really was fantastic; I don't give a shit about Whitlock one way or the other (not trying to put him down, just admitting he's not really on my radar, which probably means I'm under-informed), but Greg is so good at this kind of thing (being thoughtful) that I read it anyway and I'm glad I did.

You're misreading.

Personal responsibility is for poor people and minorities.

This, I thought in disbelief, is really how I'm going to die.

He's also going to buy the St. Louis Rams and Tampa Bay Lightning, then move them along with the Clippers to Washington to play in a still-being-built bowling alley outside Redmond, all in the name of creating a common user experience across platforms.