
This guy says "Fuck you":

Lawyer: And, Mr. O'Bannon, do you like Ice-T?

NCAA is just trying to establish that the entire organization is amateurish.

Because not everything is willing sacrifice thoroughness to accommodate your attention span.

Damn, the Jamaican population is really gonna dislike their new overlords' drug testing policy.

How far off could we possibly be from the NFL having enough money to develop its own army, invade Jamaica and set up its own country there?

Yeah but they're non-profit

Golf in Minnesota in February and March?

Is that why they require getting whipped violently & repeatedly in the ass?

Coburn makes a great point about how unfair it is that some participants in the Belmont don't run the first two Triple Crown races. I was just talking to a friend about how fair the rest of horse racing is to the horses.

What does that even mean?

I actually ran the numbers last night, dude has averaged 40 minutes a game for just under 1000 NBA games, regular and postseason, and won 2 Olympic gold medals in that time. His legs have taken a pounding in his career. Compared to Tony Parker, who has been in the league 2 more years then LeBron, James has about 3000

1. Rip off black music.

You seem nice.

White rock stars, continuing to imitate and steal from black musicians since forever.

Hello Brother. Welcome to lameness. We have Zima!

The thing that bothers me about White is he acts like he pioneered this blues rock sound. He didn't, its been around for decades. He used his already established popularity and took a fraction of his White Stripes fans along with him to this "new sound", "his sound". But he needs to get over himself. He's ripping off

Jordan would have EASILY fixed the A/C with no hand checking allowed.

Jordan would have fixed the A/C