
The best part is when she banged her pills together like thunder sticks.

Her spouse, electric blanket grandpa, has bed sores and is less fun to watch with.

Unlike most diehard Heat fans, she's actually been a fan as long as she could remember. Which to her credit is almost 5 minutes ago.

The Knicks lost a good fan with this fine lady retired.

EVERYONE: When you hit publish it publishes, even if Kinja tells you it failed to save. DO NOT REPOST.

Watching the Heat has to be nostalgic for her. After all, she was probably around when Chris Boshes roamed the earth.

This is no surprise. The elderly have been moving to Florida for the Heat for decades.

Fuck you Kinja a second time

If you react that badly to water, you're probably one of those "Signs" aliens. Corey Crawford just saved humanity.


"...the athleticism and the length...."

Journalists want respect and access but then ask the stupidest, most thoughtless questions in these press conferences. Kudos to pop for making them feel like the tools they are. A lot of the national guys are fine, but most of these local guys should not have this type of access

The (Heavily Subsidized by Taxpayers) Sandlot

No, no, no, you don't understand! It's only welfare when "THOSE PEOPLE" get it.

Maybe the good people of Atlanta could've avoided this travesty by not allowing libtard journalists to write their constitution.

Opponent: I can't believe that something as important as this, which a ton of people disagree with, isn't even open for debate. It's just a huge slap in the face to a whole group of people.

Ooh, ooh! Cobb County Commissioner Bob Ott's leading core principle, per his website, is:

Not surprising if you think about it. Let's add this up, shall we:
Cobb County = 10 letters
Obamacare = 9
Fucks given by libtards = 0
Amendment trampled = 2
Patriots killed at Benghshit sorry can't finish this joke, just got a job at Breitbart

Land of the Free [to speak up in support of the new] Home of the Braves

Field of Schemes