
@Go Vols!: Well wouldn't that depend on how long they plan to use it?

@Muirin: Oh the simplifying proponent of free market capitalism..

I think the "NYC not liable to injure or death" sign is a pretty big clue that this is not meant to be taken seriously...

@verspasian: You know what else is funny? Baby seals being killed. Man i can't stop laughing at that. Or old ladies falling down stairs. God even thinking of it brings tears to my eyes!

@captainpajamas: You mean cars that jam the rode by driving in the middle of it? I don't intend take this back to the age old argument of bikes or cars, but you can fit 10 bikers in the space occupied by one car, which is 80% of the time, used by one person only.

@TheJaz: That's what I was thinking. But then they made the mistake twice and although washing-machines also have centrifuges I'm not sure the expertise is interchangeable between the fields of uranium enrichment and house ware appliances?

@Battle Wagon: I admit, I completely missed the front break in fork aspect of it. I was merely commenting on the superfluousness of the camera on a bike, which, if it ever became common, would signify our technology use getting out-of-hand pretty well I think.

Concepts like these always blow me away. How does anyone, and I mean aaaAAnyone, think people need this??

@brandalism: It has come to my attention that you stole a drawing by Banksy which you use as your avatar. Well done. He is a great artist. Carry on.

@38thsignal: They'll build a circular bridge to have the record if they have to. Chinese don't give a fuck

@Incoherent_ramblings_of_a_madm...: As someone pointed out below that implies a 3tb/s connection...

This is why Ha-Joon Chang reckons telegraphs were much more revolutionary than the internet.

@Manly McBeeferton: "I believe it's the point at which you're fucked. The line that you shouldn't cross or else you get sucked in. "