@m57: "Edited by m57 at 12/27/10 5:06 PM" hahaha
@m57: "Edited by m57 at 12/27/10 5:06 PM" hahaha
@in ottermann speramus: not in China. Why would they spend on unmanned aircrafts when manpower is so cheap??
@Prostate of Grace: You certainly are not. I completely oppose the practices of the TSA, but I still find it hard to sympathise with a robot (that shoots laser out of its eyes judging from her expression)
@jiveabillion: Well maybe it could do with billions of R$ of investment and a ridiculous amount of tourists spending money there.. but what public, perhaps even sporting, event could it host to raise its profile??
@JulianDelphinki: I too speak portugese and i seem to recall it saying that it was in fact, justin bieber's own room, who spent his weekends there dealing cocain to children and making every effort possible to bring even more harm to the planet than he has done already.
@Slinkytech: You might as well thrown in eternal life with fusion i.e. infinite free energy.
@mokmo: So true
I want to live in the future!
@Steezy McFresh: Thank god for portable devices; I am on the floor laughing typing this !
@Netscott: We all have our little mistakes.
This video is like going to church…
@Netscott: This is either very well executed sarcasm, or you need to see something actually good…
Later today i'm going skinny dipping, I will not be wearing ANY clothes (except for 'shoes, a coat and a jacket', but does don't count do they?The X-ray can't see those right?)
BUY BUY BUY. long live consumerism to fill our empty lives
This is unbelievably awesome. I wish she was my grandmum, she looks like the coolest old lady ever.
@Netscott: i cannot understand why anyone would want to get on that!
@EL31415: Your point speaks louder than the grammatical errors. Completely agreed
@MifuneT: Surely you wouldn't plant forests of these? They would only be used in urban areas I presume. Although I do agree, darkness is under-appreciated..
@Purple Dave: Well, as injecting gold into chickens didn't make them lay golden eggs (?!), it only seemed obvious that growing gold leaves on trees should be the next attempt
Completely agree with this article, aside from the apologetic tone. What's happening in airports is insanity, and the ones with common sense shouldn't be apologising!