
@blub: Completely true, facebook is all about keeping up with the Joneses. On the other hand it also keeps me connected with friends in different countries. too connected perhaps..

@NNTPgrip: that was awful.truly terribly awful.

I'll try restraining from swearing but i need more vocal words to describe my initial surprise, which turned into boyish enthusiasm as i realised they were actually talking accurate policy. this is amazing!

Thumbs up if you visit YouTube for posts like this!!

@MavrixWK: oh god, does this mean even MORE shoe shops??!

@Markarian: Luckily helium is going to be a by-product of fusion.

What is the logic here??

I rarely, if ever, drink Red Bull, but i absolutely love the brand. I wish more companies would give this much back to their consumers!


I knew it was healthy !!!

@TheUltra: Well, let me put it this way: Osama likes music too and he's not about to buy an iPod!

I supposed you will still be able to take the scenic route through the alps if your heart desires.

@complextinction: I think this is the most credible prediction of them all. People, especially in recent years, tend to expect more from Apple than they can (or want to) deliver.

@talkingstove: The iPad doesn't have optical drives either? I don't see your point. I don't have data to back this up, but I don't think a single person in my city has bought a macbook air. In fact I would be surprised if they sold a single unit on the entire planet…so they can basically experiment all they want with

@Sieker: multi touch scrolling in itself is a selling factor to me, it is so much more essential than this article makes it out to be.

@elSpanielo: haha exactly! I feel ashamed saying this, but there really is no way to justify the inconvenience of having to lift my ENTIRE hand off the keyboard to touch something …

I always thought the main reason homeless people didn't own gadgets was simple because it would get nicked in the streets within no time at all. For me this seemed like a more probable answer than that none of them could afford it (none that I've seen mind you). Maybe it's just the "life is tough on the streets" line