
That's really fucked up. Nice way to raise small humans to be as delusional as she is. And the whole thing will blow up in her face the first time Joe takes them to prison to visit her. "MOMMY LIED TO US!" (Why not? She lies to herself all the time, right?)

Has Teresa even told her three younger daughters what's going on? I mean, will she just tell Milania that Mommy has an appointment to get new hair extensions ... and then never come home? This is some sick shit.

One is significantly shorter, rounder, and redder than the other

A potent combination, for sure.

Shanked. Shiv is the noun, shank is the verb.

-Lose weight (let's see, I know a lawyer who could help you unload about 215 lbs...)

STOP! Idea!

Interesting no engagement ring on Teresa - only the wedding band. Rumor had it that the feds seized her jewelry, including her monster rock.

-Flip over a table, even though they're bolted down.

- Marry fewer human meatballs

See also- Try not to embezzle so much. Or tax evade. Or whatever she did.

Maybe they're just thinking of her fambly.

Other New Years Resolutions:

FYI, I am pretty sure you are not dealing with a real person up there. From another one of their comments:

Well, you are a doctor, so I trust you...

Oh, the fuck!? Who are these people that let black heads and fist-sized zits and whatnot just fester for months (or 20 years, in the case of one blackhead I saw on YouTube)? Hell, I start getting a zit and I'm already trying to figure out when I can clear it out so I can move on with my life...

She also did this photo which I thought was neat.

I dunno if it's just Mormons who do that. My parents are Roman Catholic and we can trace them back a few hundred years to when they were getting involved in revolutions and getting kicked out of their motherlands. Ah, family.