
Here’s how it should have looked:

The owner of MtG’s response to voodoo economics:

There is a way to improve it even further:

Exactly, it’s not true that your demented conspiracy theory nonsense has any basis in fact.

Except that’s entirely untrue.

You can just say NFT, the shitty is already implied.

Time for Battleborn to shine.

I prefer the original:

Now playing

You should always have Batman material ready to go:

Do not touch Tingle. Good advice.

They mean it's due for the 5th of Smarch.

As long as you can now go on mass killing sprees without being de-synched or whatever, if that's what the genetic memories show then that's what happened.

Fully costumed Bullseye.

I hope it gets upstaged by a surprise sequel to Battleborn.

You mean for whales.

Is he running for office in Shelbyville?

Or use the p38 as intended and shoot the can open, or have it transform into Megatron and tear it asunder:

What was MC Hammer’s view on this?

They should do a crossover with the Bob Odenkirk one.