The correct answer is SWOS.
The correct answer is SWOS.
There’s only one Al Gore rhythm I care about:
Tiny hands surgery...
Has the name "Qnatics" been used to describe these people yet? If not I would like to trademark it.
Hiring an assassin seems a little much, but I’ll take it under advisement.
It would be great fun to see them getting mulched and to hear the impotent gnashing and wailing of their pathetic fans.
Edgy like the 4chan losers who jerk off over cartoon horses?
It will only be good if it involves the psychotic face-ripping version of Optimus and he goes to town on those crappy horses.
Just seems like perfectly normal human behaviour to me.
I prefer the original:
So I assume the twist is they get shot into the dead zone of space by Zeus:
We all know what’s coming:
Don’t get involved, protomatter is an unstable substance which every ethical scientist has denounced as dangerously unpredictable.
Weird way of spelling Santa Claus the Movie; which is an actual Xmas movie.
They’re more DRD’s:
Can’t neighbours set up their own pump sites?
That’s more Batroc Ze Leapair’s thing:
Bit of a Taskmaster vibe too: