Alan: I just put a wide strip of velcro around the handle and grab THAT as the handle. Plus side: I have the velcro for cabling, etc if I need it, and it is sure to not get lost (can't lose the handle!)
Alan: I just put a wide strip of velcro around the handle and grab THAT as the handle. Plus side: I have the velcro for cabling, etc if I need it, and it is sure to not get lost (can't lose the handle!)
Nice article Thorin! If I may, everyone who wants to be a better negotiator should read the book "Start with NO" by Jim Camp. Follow that up with the classic book "Manwatching" by Desmond Morris. You will, I guarantee, become a better negotiator after a few go-arounds and trial runs. It is truly the complete root of…
well that's cool. Thanks is already embedded. Doing the last one now!
Using my phone as my alarm, and leaving it on my desk across the room works for me. Once I'm up, I'm up.