Carl Hopf

in my section of the plant, there are soem nice craft breweries opening up - small places.
some of their stuff is good.
nice atmosphere, nice to talk to people.

If its good, i’ll fill my growler and bring it home.

Otherwise, I’m probably just having a Yuengling on the back deck.

Because it’s inexpensive, low calorie,

Based on my occupation, I really need 2 17" screens (or I could love one 34-40" screen)
Oftentimes, I need to compare two things at once to each other; flipping between windows is not optimal.

Seems to me that the world doesn’t start later so some can get extra shut eye...why coddle them? Let’s start on the path of learning g how to rise early, how to get ready, and how to be on time, ready to work? They may not use trigonometry in their job, but the life lessons of being ready and on time will serve them

That’s a fallacy. You conflated “good enough” with “cheap enough, disposable, and no pension or OSHA overhead, or taxes”

Breaking the law has consequences. Every legal immigrants who did it properly (welcome, Americans!) Should be outraged at the mere attempt at providing amnesty to criminals who knowingly and willingly broke the law, be it sneak in, tunnel in, or expired work visa.

You, my new friend, we should get a beer.

Lifehacker, this is pure pandering. Absolute and pure. Worrying about PRONOUNS AT WORK?

Just because a weed grows in your lawn doesntean that it came from your yard, and therefore you must cultivate it. Pull the weeds, go find the neighbor who is making the weeds and tell him to fix it.

Yes, I agree. Here is the dirty little secret that they will not speak.

the moment that you have to start drawing things to figure out whom to speak to, and about what to speak about delivers two messages:
1. You’re overthinking it. WAY overthinking it.
2. Change those around you immediately; if you are talking and you have to concern yourself about “which circle to speak in”, you have the

I disagree. The Irish goodbye (as do’d by my wife) takes well over 30 minutes.

Let’s face reality.

My question is “our writer may FEEL that the statements are “racist”, and does not include how many items could NOT be debunked. So, long route to my question: how do we know that this SJW kids family isn’t RIGHT and that this “fellow” is actually WRONG? Perhaps the family’s statements are only wrong to this “fellow”


we have a computer - which pretty much deals in logic and math....and it’s making the RIGHT associations, but we just don’t want to deal with reality because “feels”

If the dam machine has no emotions, and can figure it out, then the problem isn’t the answer, it’s how you FEEL about it.

and lets be

here is what worked for me:
“I am” - personal, then professional
“ I have” - personal, then professional
“I want” - professional, then personal
“I will” - professional, then personal

Helped me get my current job...and i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEE my job!

Continually perplexed how these mayor’s can defy federal law, esp..Since any laws designed must not violate state or federal laws.

And Jennifer Lawrence, who willfully stored nude photographs of herself in computer storage that’s proven to be not great at security will be given the “you stupid slitch” award for the category “we all do dumb things”.

Good. This was part of his campaign platform, and he’s making good on his word. This will probably help us at home, and help.prevent importing foreign economic refugees.

Well, you broke rule #1. When you are going to do another “hit piece for your ego”, no spouses, no kids. It’s been that way since forever. For an attack on anybody. No spouses...No kids. Parents are usually, but not always, immune as well.

Ten points for correct data!