Carleton Foxx

She is wrong. And she and you are not entitled to set women's progress back 100 years just because you feel like it. You have a responsibility to sisterhood that goes beyond what you might be personally comfortable with. Sacrifice is hard, but it is necessary.
As for the term "lady" what it really signifies is a

As one of the commenters below mentions, the question "are women as funny as men" is one of those evergreen ideas that hack journalists pull out when they can't think of anything else to write but they have a deadline looming. I remember reading similar hackery in the heyday of Lily Tomlin and Bea Arthur and Phyllis

Those terms are belittling and condescending. "Lady" is a title for the wife of a lord… It defines a woman in terms of her husband's position—not her own merits. Gal (unless you're talking about Buffalo Gals, of course) has become the term that women use to describe women in subservient positions such as maids,

…Moms Mabley, Sophie Tucker, Fanny Brice—we could go back forever and find funny women. The problem is that the comedians of today don't ever acknowledge them…. Every female comic should be required by Show Business Law to memorize a joke from a great female comic of history and tell it onstage as part of her act.

Dear Ms Cameron,
You would be funnier, and your arguments would have more credibility if you would stop using sexist terms like "gal" and "lady."