Carl Anonymous

As of 2020, Woody Allen’s net worth is $80 Million dollars. Woody will do just fine without his memoir being published. I do understand what mr. King is trying to explain. If we allow the public or the corporation’s to judge what is worthy to be published, it is very similar to a witch hunt or when the Nazis burned

99.9% of the women I have dated in the past decade are off of my Facebook feed. Coincidentally they we’re all mentally challenged on some degree or level. Lol

Accused being the key word. (Not defending Woody).

I agree. If there was absolute evidence to prove that they were guilty as charged.

You sir,have a typical Libtardians mindset. I don’t believe Woody is a pedo because he fell in love with his stepdaughter. She was 27 when they married. Was it cruel for Mia to deal with it? Absolutely. Transsexuals at a kids library, reading story books is completely perverse and morally wrong. Dragging President

B5 A4?

Subaru are junk. Don't take my word. Do the research. I work at a car auction & my friend works at a Subaru dealership. Hyundai on the other hand ,is up and coming. They used to be junk but are becoming wonderful cars. America taught them how to build cars ,so that South Korea could build themselves up

Mazda is 40 % Ford.

Im 49 now & have come to the same conclusion. I’ll take minimalism over consumerism any day. To heck with corporate greed & the big three. Make quality cars that last, at reasonable prices and I might sway my mindset.

1995,1999,2003 here.

They they are happy building junk because they get repeat customers. LOL

America became the largest producer of oil in the world last year. They also became the largest exporter of oil this year. Gas is supposedly supposed to stay relatively cheap for a while. Our government decided that they don’t want to rely on OPEC any longer. But also electric cars are coming. In 20 years they will be

Subaru is junk. Ford is not much better.

Exactly I grew up with mostly G.M products and loved them. 1989 Blazer,1991 Jimmy,1995 S10 Blazer,Buick Lesabre,Pontiac Bonneville,2 Chevy Caprice,Olds 98/2 Delta 88's. After they killed V8's and full sized vehicles I stopped buying their junk cars. They could not build V6 or 4 Cylinder cars that could compete with

I purchased a 2013 Hyundai Accent in 2014 and loved it. I also blew the engine after putting 133,000 miles on it in three years,as an Uber driver. I gave up driving for Uber but also gave up buying new cars. Unless your making really good money,new cars are garbage. The values depreciate significantly as you drive of

Buick no longer incorporates Opel designs?