
I mean, Tom Sizemore’s in it.

Laurie David! She’s pretty much as attractive as Cheryl was on Curb.

Oh, I love that one too!

I love the soundtrack too! I wish it were available on my music streaming service.

The one with the moving bridge? That’s got to be the inspiration for the opening of La La Land, right?

Nooooo...yet another month without Luis Miguel: La serie being available on American Netflix.

I mean, it’s host-less, not presenter-less.

Is the A.V. Club ever bringing back the Weekend Box Office feature? Because articles like this are a poor substitute.

Would you settle for Edward James Almost?

This is all good and great, but when is the Luis Miguel The Series show coming to Americans Netflix? It’s Berlin in Mexican Netflix since the summer!

Will it be a within-MCU reboot, though? Or will they pretend the Marvel Netflix shows never happened? After all, all the references to movie events were rather ambiguous.

Yeah, this was widely known. Why is the A.V. Club treating it as a big mistery?

Still no Luis Miguel: La serie? When will it finally come to American Netflix?

I always like to mention to people that Tom Cruise is not that short. He’s 5'7'’. He’s just short for movie star standards, but a lot of people think he’s, like, 5'2'’.

What’s this doing in Newswire? Does Coming Distractions not exist anymore?

Is the adaptation of American Pastoral that Ewan McGregor directed as bad as people say it is?

And once again, (the TV Land/Paramount Network show) Younger predicts the future.

??? Can anyone explain what he’s trying to say there? He was bleeding on a balcony, T.I. was one floor below and caught him before he would fall?

But the Entourage movie was a critical and financial success like no other!