
Apparently, he also has a son, a fact that single-handedly dismisses any of the incel crowd arguments, for if someone decided to have sex with this guy, there’s hope for everyone.

The Toyota product placement keeps getting worse. The final scene this week was groan-inducing.

Whatever happened to Max’s brother, played by David Marciano? He was my favorite of the two!

I get that, but for how much do you think you can monetize the data of one person, however comprehensive that data may be? This may be one of the ways they’re trying the service afloat, but my guess is however much they’re making from the data-mining is not near enough what they have to pay in full-price tickets.

I’m just not sure user data is that precious. How much do you think is the marginal increase from having one more data point when you sell it to third parties? Probably not even a dollar. And as long as that person goes to the movies once, that’s 10 or 12 dollars MoviePass has to pay the theater. Then there are the

This sounds as fake as that time Kramer was promoting his coffee table book on Regis and Kathie Lee and told them he’d come up with the idea while skiing.

I love that they gave Carrie the Seinfeld finale treatment in this episode. And they could actually have had many more witnesses.

I’ll take Fanke Janssen’s JeanGrey over Sophie Turner’s any day!

Fraternities are stupid.

I wouldn’t discourage anyone from seeing Coco because Olaf’s... plays before, but I do think it’s tone deaf to force people to see a short starring the whitest people in the world (pigment-wise, if not culturally) before they can finally see a respectful, celebratory movie about Mexican traditions.

How are the rewrites for The Negron Complex coming along, Paul?

“Sorry, Lin-Manuel Miranda, but you ALWAYS hire Mandy Patinkin when given the opportunity.”

Are personal shuckers a real thing, and if so, how can I book one for my birthday party?

But I thought it was justified in that he was only there to ogle/meet ladies.

I know this is a boilerplate Random Roles complaint, but I can’t believe you didn’t ask about The Good Wife’s Judge Abernathy.

So, I guess Vince didn’t do the movie after all?

Has Rebecca Ferguson fired her agent already? She’s been stuck in nothing but garbage after her Mission Impossible role: The Girl On the Train, Life, and now The Snowman.

Oh, I love The Weeds. It’s probably my favorite podcast. But the intro song is intolerable. I want biting commentary on policy, not rejected riffs from The Killers!

I suspect Manny’s arc this season is that he becomes an MRA. He’s halfway there already.

I like that, of the four Bunheads, Emma Dumont has had the most prolific career, even though her role was the most ignored on that show.