
Was there a reason within the story?

I refuse to read any Batman books until they remove that stupid golden rim from the logo. Who's idea was it? Jim Lee's? I noticed it first on the Rebirth storyline, was it added then it before?

Exactly, that's why I think it should have been included.

T-Bone, the ladies are gonna love you!

The Hanso Foundation!

Nice! I want to go to there.

Davis tells Claire she's putting together a foundation for Frank. But that cannot be it, right? How is that different from every other president? Even Selina Meyer has a foundation!

Who is this Carrie Coon person and has she appeared in any other prestige TV shows?

Who drew that? It looks like Frank Quitely a bit, but I don't think it's him.

Silicon Valley season 5

"…her still mysterious character, who apparently shares most of her scenes with Larry David himself"

Colbert and Stewart talked about how everyone knew about O'Reilly's sexual harassment accusations and his payoffs to silence the women, yet they failed to mention why they kept inviting him on their respective shows…

I love that no one (or at least no one in this site) seems to care abut Liman's new movie, but they are obsessed with what he says about his other projects while promoting the boring-looking The Wall.

You may even call her a KILF.

On the same week The Circle opens in theaters. Coincidence? Yeah, most likely.

I do know that, because Scully mentioned it on the X-Files.

Which project has had more false starts, this or Y: The Last Man?

Oh, boy. That picture is really triggering my trypophobia. Take it down, AV Club!

I grew up in Oaxaca and loved them. Alas, I eat so many I am now allergic to them.

So, what exactly was the point of ending the eight episode in what seemed like a cliffhanger about the conflict between Reddick and Boseman, only to not mention it at all after that?