I’ll just leave this here
I’ll just leave this here
I’m not aware that Gary set a New York to Los Angeles Record. I am aware that record Gary holds in San Fran to New York (popular with Iron Butt Association). The press release and article clearly state “Los Angeles to New York Record”
Exclusive Video and In-depth report on Wired http://www.wired.com/2016/02/how-to…
I’m not aware that Gary set a New York to Los Angeles Record. I am aware that record Gary holds in San Fran to New York (popular with IB).
Here is a secret. Free energy is available from the sun. One could invest in a 11 panel solar system, and have free energy from the sun to power the car. I don’t get why people want to give hard earned money to Saudia Arabia and other foreign interests. It boggles my mind.
We plug in when we get home, however the car doesn’t start charging until wee hours of the morning 1-3am. We actually pay a reduced rate. Our usage is offset by the 11 electrical panels we have on the roof.
We get that some don’t like it, but many more don’t like the stock big black hole. Everyone can have their opinion. Meanwhile we will sell the few remaining we have.
Our website isn’t updated we have less than 40 left.
Not likely. The complex curvature shape of the nose cone make it very difficult to create straight lines. Unless your willing to pay a shop with a 3D laser scanner to scan the nose cone provide you plans to provide the vinyl shop. It took us months to get it right.
3 New Records have been set:
See Video Coverage here
See Video Coverage here:
See Fox Video Coverage:
I can assure you as the owner of the car. No money was received from Tesla. My only 2 sponsors are deena whom buys the food for these record attempts and GPSInight which loans us the tracking equipment. Telsa will tell you their only marketing is word of mouth. They don’t spend a penny in Ads. I know.....I’ve tried to…
I agree.
I agree. It’s the only car I’ve owned that gets better over time. Since we owned it, we have had at least 24 new features/improvements downloaded to the car for free. They take place over my WIFi when the car is in the garage.
Do you think once Tesla gets on their feet the tax incentives will go away? Elon has created 14000 jobs with Tesla. The idea is to nurture a American company long enough to get the population to realize we don’t need oil or gas for that matter to get around the USA. The energy you need to move your car can be derived…
You realize that Tesla’s are the #1 seller in Norway. I think they have cold weather there.
It’s coming soon. I-80 is next.
Elon Musk does dreams bigs. His vision is full of promises of a better future. Innovation and miracles are both hard to pin down, and are on no-mans time schedule.